Sunday, July 09, 2006

Week in Erie
My time here is nearly up. It's been a great week. Couldn't ask for better, really.
A few important people have said some really important things to me. Someone I respect infinately told me that he "honestly thinks I'm one of the most talented people ever to come through the program. You can do it all." I don't really believe that myself, but it was certianly a nice thing to say and he probably knows better than I do. Someone else told me that I'd grown up a lot. When she first met me I was very much a boy and now I'm very much a man. That was really nice to hear, especially given all that I've been thinking about lately. Someone else told me-- well I won't get into it much, but it made me feel backed up, supported, like there's good people in my corner. He's in my corner at least. I'm not sure I've ever felt that way. The loner mentality sort of precludes that. I'm feeling like I might belong to something-- which was reinforced when someone else revealed "actually, thay have you down as being on staff this summer."
It's a warm feeling. Next stop: PGSAS.

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